By little_blue_man
Date: 2001 Sep 21
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Lucky Am I

Lucky am I.
That someone else had you
And thought your worthwhile value was through.
Like a sack of second hand clothes you were tossed.
Then I found you and my gain is their loss.

Lucky am I.
That some can not see the true value of things
And while going through such extraordinary pains
To hit that big jackpot in the sky
They pass true treasures like you by!

Lucky am I.
When the days grow short and the nights get cold
When the terrors of the world unfold
While others face loneliness untold
I have the warmth of you to hold.

Lucky am I.
I count my blessings every day
And in my own little fumbling way
I guess that I must really say
I thank the one who threw you away!

So lucky am I!