By little_blue_man
Date: 2001 Sep 25
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If you always bought the same type of tv
And they blew up on you constantly
Tell me how long would it take
Before you figured out that brand was a mistake
Just how long would it be before
A different brand is what you brought home from the store
Or would you the type of person be
To blame your mistakes on every tv

What if you always bought the same kind of car
But that model never got you all that far
Blasted things are always breaking down
Beside the interstate
A million miles from town
Just how long would it be before
You figured out not to buy that brand anymore
Or maybe you'd decide not to travel far
And blame the problem on every single kind of car

Some may read these lines and say that it's a sin
But I cant figure out some women's reasoning in choosing men
They fall for sweet words
Or hype
You know they seem to be attracted to all the same type
These poor ladies are getting messed around
Cheated on
Lied to
And getting the general run around
Just how long will it be before
They figure out not to fall for that kind of man anymore
Or will they just bury their heads in the sand
Resign themselves to fate
And blame the problem on every man
Will they come around
Or just be inclined to moan
While blaming their choices
On a mans testosterone