By Charade
Date: 2001 Sep 26
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Woman's Intuition

They say a woman's instincts are always right.
well that's just great
but what if her instincts tell her one thing
one minute
and something totally opposite
the next ?

What a confusing mess.....

One minute I am so sure of his faithfulness to me
The next,  I am sure he is cheating
So where does this wonderful, awe inspiring thing
called ,  "woman's intuition" leave me?

I used to be so naiive
so trusting
so guillible
so convinced that everyone was innocent

that if I gave love
I would receive love

that the world was but a garden
of fragrant flowers
just waiting for me to sniff
and tip-toe through

boy was I a fool
my adventures through the garden of life
left me with scratches, and cuts
from burrs, and thorns
and don't forget the poison ivy
that itched and burned and oozed
and drained and spread
and got infected
and went deep into my ankle
causing my flesh to look like raw meat
I could barely walk after that
So much for the garden....

So lets get back to the woman's intuition thing.
Oh yeah.
One minute I am sure of his devotion to me
and then in the next moment
I see clues of betrayal everywhere.

So when can I expect my woman's intuition to kick in ?
I'm still waiting.......
