By jackryhme
Date: 2001 Sep 28
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60 minutes?

60 minutes ? heh well maybe if he can't cook
but a proper man  will prepare the feast
taking special care to season rolls
tenderize  his meats
hand make his sweets
peel each potato wet and smooth
with the care of an artist for soft curves
new potatoes small enough to fill the mouth
with each and every bite, hot with real butter
wetting lips, delight to tongue,
driving a passion for the tender flesh to come
each vegetable treated with a joy
an honor to be cooked by such as he
ah and the sauces that roll the eyes
salivate the senses, all home made
slow with so much time and care
60 min.? try three hours and more
heh sometimes
on special occasions
when she is so very good
breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner
all  served on, under and between the sheets
and for that extra special midnight snack
suffice to say the details will make her quiver
and the actual act...
would put a smile on a nuns face