By Rhetoric
Date: 2001 Sep 29
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Choice Words for the Feast

Rolling back on fields of grass
my twisted song tells of you.
Our stop-motion story lost
within a crowd of soft eyes.
Heavy hands work barren fields;
no grain or love to harvest.
Each road unearths lost turmoil.
Yet, fescue still takes me home.

Faded photographs mark time
with breast and hip precision.
Fables of long since past snows
push away starting faces.
Gilded tales of perfection
make calm the torment that swells.
Archives of love brought to light
only flaunt chorography.

The luxury of loving;
caged in black, but paid in full.
Free your fondled treasure toy
with earnest and loyalty.
I would rather waste my love
than allow thieves to trample
my growing bud of freedom.
My hollowed soul is set free.