By little_blue_man
Date: 2001 Sep 29
Comment on this Work

Forgive and Forget

You say you've done some things to me
That I can't forgive
Well it depends on what you think
That forgiveness is
While I agree and I believe
In the golden rule
There's no way I'm going to be
Set up as a fool
Better listen up
And take it from me
This is part of my reality
It's a different game
This time my dear
A promise
Not a threat
I'm going to forgive
But not forget

You say you want to start over
And wipe the slate all clean
Well I've been down that road before
I know what that means
I'm to look the other way
Turning a blind eye
To all the manipulation
And all of the crafty lies
But you better listen up
And take it from me
That's just not how it's going to be
I'm going to be watching my back this time
And this much you can bet
I'm going to forgive
But I won't forget