By wistful
Date: 2001 Oct 01
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Broken Glass

Triumphantly toasting our brightly-hued future
My rose-colored glass suddenly shattered
Too hard pressed and far too fragile
Too eagerly sought, and too soon gone.

So vainly I pick at the pieces
Too numerous to reassemble
Shards that prick, cut and tear,
Quickly slick with my life's blood

I would suck the wound to force a faster healing
But I fear my tongue would shred
And no more could I tell of what I toasted
Lacking all other evidence of it.

I could take these fragments
And assemble a stained-glass memento
An artistically-crafted memory
Tinged sanguine, salted by long-dried tears

You would rapidly rid yourself of them
Briskly wiping your hands
After such a distasteful task
And turn to newer, lighter things

But I will keep them as they are
Dashed pieces of a delicate daydream
To sift through, reliving the livid pain
Until, scar-toughened, they hurt no more.