By h.
Date: 2001 Oct 02
Comment on this Work

The Journey

Would you allow me to swim in the ocean of your eternal heavenly existence that pulls me in with its blueness and blackness and its naive whiteness, bluer, blacker, whiter than any earthly colour? Would u mind if I dive in your eyes and float along wet streams that were created from salty pleasures causing waves among the surface, causing me to slide down gently from mountains made by God to praise nature, to adore the definition of beauty, to make me experience the sensation of life and its connection with my skin that now can no longer breathe without the fresh air that touches my lips on my journey from your spine down to the perfect curve just before the hills that rise in grace for the perfect touch of fingertips and lips and tongues which are envied by all other intelligent organisms in this universe? Can I now change direction and follow the natural route that leads me to the peaceful sea on your belly and create springs that form rivers which slowly meander among soft black grass and trees to the waterfall that causes waves among the whole sea of your body with every bit of water touching its ground of desire and passion? Here, with your permission, I want to make a stop and worship the center of your unique world and create storms in your entire ocean by swimming along the lakes beneath the waterfall, by moving my body that now consists only of fingers and lips through mild, fresh and warm ground that causes all the mountains, hills and seas to collapse and reform over and over again. Would you now let me finish my journey by sliding up and down your sensitive legs making me bite your knees which leave a taste in my mouth that I want to store in my mind so that I can recall the taste of your skin that is the basic purpose of this first time journey of my indecent soul and body to your vastness of the beauty of your whole? Where in your mind must I apply to, for a new journey to these grounds that hold new secrets to be revealed and places to discover?