By Galadrial Date: 2001 Oct 04 Comment on this Work [[2001.]] |
Bits and pieces of old cloth worn to a soft nap pieced together in a pleasing pattern, meant for warmth, but this is me longing to encircle you, to be so comforting that you won't notice that the stitches are imperfect, the places shiny here and there, and the pattern inconsistent even if brightly colored. Patchwork woman, not a crazy quilt, but lacking the precison of the wedding ring kind, putting together her heart with cotton thread, piecing the parts that fit allowing for shrinkage, and trying not to think of the time when she will be folded and put away, her usefulness done, her pattern little more than a curiosity, isn't that quaint. No. Nothing quaint about the soul, I sewed into the layers. A whiff of lavender, cedar and will I be something you recall of the nights you slept wrapped snug in my ragtag splendor? |