By Stephen
Date: 2001 Oct 08
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Theatre Rat

it's in my head
eating away
when you're on stage
the theatre is you
it found the way
crept itself in
and there it's now
gnawing and chewing
crawling and stewing
nibbling my conscience away
piece by piece
brain cell by brain cell
to look on you
a painful performance
the vermin crunches more
it gives my citrus tears
burning down my cheek
rules of possession
rules of relation
but as I still watch
it wont let me mend
it's still there now
clawing and ripping
sprawling and sipping
your memories away
all down the drain
making me insane
it knows i'm helpless
it knows what I wont do
it knows I'll keep watching
till the whole show is through
I bend in my seat
run my hands through my hair
sniffling droplets of sear
spilling waterfalls of tears
and try to cover a
sectioned pale tail
protruding out my ear