By Michael T (cynically)
Submitted by MichaelT()
Date: 2001 Oct 10
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Ivory Tower

I'm having lunch with her
she's telling me she doesn't play games
DANGER DANGER Will Robinson!
All women play games.
ESPECIALLY women who say they don't play games.
And then she tells me about this guy she's friends with
they've been friends for seven years
he's married now and he says he's more close to his wife than to her
she seems to be talking as if she's jealous
though she pretends to be unconcerned
I can see through her because I've learned
how to spot a heartbreaker.
trying to figure out if she's a giver
or a taker -- sometimes referred to as TMW
Too Much Work
Though as long as I know the way that she'll go
I might be the one to take her.
Yeah I've heard she "makes guys fall in love with her"
I'm guessing that means she doesn't put out
We'll find out what that's all about.
I don't mind not scoring a run
If I'm only going to be there to take a few swings
load a couple bases.
But I'm thinking she's a rapuzel gal
with short hair
a little flair
and a lot of "I really care"
as in "I know you too well to have a relationship"
or I'm needy and greedy
so let's just be friends.
Is she sitting in her ivory tower
ignoring sonnets and singing
and cast up flowers?
Waiting for a dark knight on a motorcycle
with a 12 foot lance
that she'll ride down
climb onto
and ride away
leaving the procession outside to say
"I thought you said I was special?"