By Zero #1
Date: 2001 Oct 12
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Rain in front of my Eyes

I can hear the cars passing slowly by on the steet,
it's wet outside,
Some lovely couple is walking their dog....well she's walking the dog,,he's trying to walk her...
This square isn't getting any longer,
And why doesn't anybody offer to call the hermit of the daytime anymore?
Ya, I guess watching the rain come down does make me a hermit.
*smile* at least I have time to think...
*flicks his smoke out the window* I'm a litterer,,as well as a hermit...
*turns from the window* ahh, what the hell,,she's not around to keep me company ayways, so why am I thinking about her????
  *plops on the couch with a sigh* ah you know why you jerk.
Because she's amazing. A hell of a lot more amazing than rain falling down on a gasoline piece of concrete that crazy nuts use a death sentence to end their already short lives....
ya, now I don't have any more marlboros. No beer either.
   *stands up in the middle of the room*
guess I'll just go watch the rain,,,,
   *flips the lightswitch in the corner,,so much darkness now..*
I need to get rid of the rain in front of my eyes anyway.
That's what she'd tell me to do........