By Pepper
Date: 2001 Oct 13
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It was an unforgettable mistake
that she made, driving the stake deeper into
the emptiness that pretended to be my heart
but who am I to judge

She tells me that the one true regret
of her eternity
was that one unfortunate mistake
she tells me
that my happiness is her passion
and my trust is her daquiri
(something you just can't get enough of)

Hearing was all I could do
seeing the oh-so obvious manipulation
was what my hurt pride told me to do
forgiving was the last thing on my mind

what a waste of a true love... holding a closed fist like this
I've never felt so loved before
why didn't I hold her?
why did it take this long to see through the honey?
distortion of the truth was my brain
broken and tattered was my heart
lonely, my arms

not any more
will I cry honey alone at night

She lays next to me, sleeping like the kitty she is,
balled up, a vulnerable curl of her lip
I pet her head as she sleeps
I swear she purred
dreaming of honey

The honey I used to insulate my feelings with
drips in your chai
and you sip me up, smiling
forever has found its way to my lips
and sticks