By ~Harem~
Date: 2001 Oct 15
Comment on this Work

The Players

It's so wonderful to be rid of the players
Those who feed the lines of love
and lust
Who say what they think you need to hear
Whose words are so convincing
Academy Awards would be their fate.

And oh, how I pity the women
who believe
and feel
and buy
the words of deceit.

I used to be like them
so naiive
so trusting
so full of awe
as I looked wide eyed
into their lies

These women give their body
and souls
to the devil's game.

Only to live the bitter taste
the after affect
more bitter than wormwood

I often wonder, if they ever learn

I did
quite quickly
it only took a few players
to teach me well

Yet, I see some women
repeat the lesson
over and over and over....

Maybe they don't want to learn
maybe they enjoy the pain
the ache
the humiliation
the hurt
the degredation

How wonderful it is
to be able to see
and discern
the player....
at the very beginning,
before giving your body
before sharing your soul
sparing yourself
the humiliation

And there seems to be two types of players
One, who wants only your body -
The other requires both body and soul

The second type of player
is more dangerous
more devious
more evil
because he is not content
unless he injures
or destroys
both body, and soul
in gehenna..

he wipes his hand
on each towel
and once he has soiled her
he looks with disgust
on her condition
and goes to the next towelette
to once again
rid him of his

But behold and beware
fellow victims
it happens to men
as well as women....

The dark and selfish
preying upon the giving and innocent

Also behold
the hope
the light
the breath of fresh air

When you find
the soul that loves
and gives
and soothes

as the world is also filled
with the mate
whose soul is virgin
waiting to be touched
and fondled
by you
and you alone

I know
I have found him......
