By Titus
Date: 2001 Oct 16
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Fuck him
Get it over with
You need a place to stay tonight

You don't really smoke but you ask for a cigarette
Ask of another
Realize you're chain-smoking
So you'll have something to do
Anything to keep from talking to this guy

Wonder why car lighters never work
Look for matches
Realize other people smoke
To keep their hands from shaking
But yours are twitching hard

Focus hard on the radio
Listen to that song "........"
And smirk because it's so stupid
Realize your eyes are tearing
Because it's so beautiful
God, your nerves are shot

Remember how a friend said he hated blowjobs
Because they made people subservient
You said he was crazy because you're never
More powerful then when you have
A man's jewels in your mouth

Wonder why they call them blowjobs
Blowing has nothing to do with it

Look at him and wish you weren't here
Realize this was a mistake and swallow hard
Touch his arm to comfort yourself
See the track marks for the first time
Wish you hadn't fucked him
Wish you'd left the party when you said you would
Sex in cars always makes you fell tired.

Drop the cigarette and realize
You smoked it down to the filter
Watch it hit the asphalt
And see it roll away
Keep watching
Until the orange glow fades

Settle in against the vinyl
For a long night