By Brandie Steiger
Submitted by im_no_ones
Date: 2001 Oct 17
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I Belive

I see it there standing alone, i cant touch it or hold it
My mind races with the thought of what this could be
My face lights up with the image my mind has concurred
So far away that I'm scared I'll never reach it
The image turns and i see more of it
The deepness it has in its heart and the softness in its presence
My whole body shudders with the feeling of a touch
Though it is has not moved from its resting place
I try to go ahead but something hold me back
A thought, a feeling, a touch
I cant move
It holds me and i feel comfort
My eyes open and i realize that the image i saw was him
Though i have never meet him or never heard him
I know it was
The magical feeling that i have amaze me and i know he was meant to be.