By Stephen Date: 2001 Nov 10 Comment on this Work [[2001.]] |
In one day's end, can her words cause so much conniption and frustration to a simpleton's stable life. Her single one-timer line that can leave men like helpless fish on land, confused and struggling for a sense of security between each empty dry gasp. We didn't have a chance. Our gills couldn't draw oxygen in like that if it was even our last dying attempt. And it was. It was mine. The chaos and the organization, the light and the dark, the good and the evil all brought into one cheap-shot catch-phrase designated and designed to bring me us down. In one day's end, when the mighty door comes to a close, when the break of insanity withers into bed pillows to be forgotten in morning's warmth through window blinds, do I wish my stasis will begin. In one day's end, to one day's beginning, where dreams roll in realms to free, to before shatters exist from what reality brings, do I wish to build my sierra. From there, standing on my peak above anxious clouds, soft floating storms of complications, all I would hear and feel was the strong wind of flowing life wisping past me, and all I would see is vast landscape in a rounded horizon aching to be explored, discovered, appreciated. And in one vital leap off my post will I plunge towards goals. In one day's end will I make it there. In one section, through several sectors, under one cluster, and down past numerous factors, will I find a fragment laying there. That bit of courage, willpower, endurance, will guide me the rest of the way. To the promise land. Our promise land. In that place where one day's end will leave sighs of completion. Those sighs of inner purpose fulfilled. My place where words said, are words meant true, and meanings of words true, lack definition being made infinitely anew. In this place between one day's end to one day's beginning, will her promises be carried through. In this place. In her place. For a sanity's sake. Will her words come first into view. |