By Galadrial
Date: 2001 Nov 11
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Leaving Time

It's not him.
she explained with eyes red,
it's me.
I never had love---
the right love,
enough love,
and then---
well I met...
and it was paradise.
So I really have no choice...

And I think about the one
she will leave behind,
know he will be lost,
hate himself
think it's all his fault,
and know the truth
won't comfort him in the least
because he simply isn't
what she needs,
and she's told herself
he never can be.

It's leaving time
this coldish fall,
and I nod because she wants me to understand
but no---really i do not.
She chose him because
he was all the things she needed,
and now will leave him
because what she needed
didn't last at all.

So how can i smile at her man,
and not feel
like I play Judas in her deception?
Leaving time
doesn't leave much
for the one you leave.