By Hedvig
Date: 2001 Nov 14
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Love's Shifting Gears

Ah,  first gear
the beginning
pop that clutch and you're off
the unknown, so exciting, so inviting
the courtship of  best behavior
cologne, flowers, moonlight walks, late night talks
that first kiss
that first touch
the tingle, the chill, the very first thrill

Too much fuel
and you're flooded
not enough
and you stall
either way, you're not going anywhere for awhile

Second gear
not as exciting
but much smoother
increase speed - to achieve

Third gear
really moving now
the scenery is great
roll down that window and feel that breeze

Fourth gear
hang on tight - we're in flight
up the highway and the byway
snap that seatbelt, we're really rolling
hope nothing jumps in front of us or gets in our way
cause if we crash at this speed
we'll both get really  hurt
