By ~*Truelies*~
Date: 2001 Nov 15
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He tries to love me... That's enough.

She stumbled back gracefully
After a hot night on the town
Just trying to find her way home.
The thoughts in her mind
Were of seeing her bf tomorrow
If she didn't have a massive hangover.
As she turned the corner
She muttered his name
And was lost in thoughts of his face.
By the time she saw the car
It was too late to move;
She died instantly.
The driver was drunk
And he'd mounted the kerb
All her dreams ended in that one night.
At home sat her bf
Unaware of what had happened
Just watching the race on tv.
When the fone rang he answered
Hoping perhaps it'd be her
Just to call and say she loved him.
When the news finally sunk in
He dropped down the fone
And shuddered with tears of pain.
He went to the funeral
He went to her grave
But he barely ever uttered her name.
He tried to move on
He's managed quite well
But he always fears it'll happen again.
So he can't love too deep,
And he can't love too much,
But he tried to love me...
That's enough.