By Sage
Date: 2001 Dec 04
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Tongue Lashings

A word that is mild
can turn away rage
A word that can cut
starts a war that you wage

A tongue draped in honey
is a healing in motion
that soothes and caresses
like emollient cream lotion

A tongue that is wagging
and slinging some mire
like sticks rubbing quickly
turns friction to fire

Igniting a blaze
that can burn love away
destroying a friendship
by the things that we say

Controlling your tongue
takes a strength of pure steel
when tempted to use it
when in anger you feel

Using your tongue
like a whip laced with glass
razor sharp fragments
as you welt out each lash

May seem like the right thing
to do at the time
when you slash out in anger
with a vengeance half blind

But after you've cooled
and your tongue takes a rest
you'll find you have lost
in life's valuable test

A loved one is hurt
and an enemy remains
and the feelings once had
we may never regain

Controlling your speech
the words that you hurl
If you bridle your tongue
You can conquer the world


have you ever said something to someone you love, that you wish you hadn't...?
The tongue can be used in many ways,  for extreme pleasure.....or extreme pain......
