By Du'Doll
Date: 2001 Dec 07
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Anything Else?

Well its here
The final count down
Seven days
Seriously, we are in the single digits
Scared, nervous
Excited, happy
Mostly thinking...
What else could happen
Another disagreement
Another broken heart
Another stolen wish
Another bloody night
I can't take much more
He tells me not to stress
He says that I am worring about the little things
Hello, maybe they aren't so little
Times, places
Food, money
Seating, people
I'm just thinking...
What else am I forgetting
I still hurting
I know that I have let him down
He wanted this baby so badly
I did too
Now...what am I supposed to do
Dress, tux
Flower girl, ring boy
Doctor, health
School, finals
What else is there let to do
Is this really happening
Is it real
Forever, hold on
That is a really long time
Ok, I know that its right
I don't want to be with anyone else
Only him
He is everything I want
The past
The present
The future
What is all about
Time to love
Time to grow
It may involve pain
Broken hearts and wounded souls
So I love him
Faith is what is real
Faith is what matters
So forget the decorations
Forget the music
Forget the flowers
Put the past aside
Forget the crowed
The masses of family and friends
Is there anything else...
Anything at all