By Ali
Date: 2001 Dec 11
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It seems so very far away to me now
A distant speck among many, glinting on the horizon
It's just a tiny little light,but was once bright lightening
Strange and yet miraculous--how things change
How time touches things, each differently
And despite what is said, there are no rules...
It's never the same twice
So you can never really, truly go back
Because nothing will be as it was, or as it's remembered
And everyone remembers things differently, anyway
So who's to say what was real, once upon a time?
For eyes see things not so much with sight as the heart
Yet, what if the heart is closed?
Ah, then it is the sighted who see nothing
And perhaps the blind who see everything and all...
To one, a situation may be about lust
To the other, it may be about love
I suppose it all comes down to intention, or motivation
For lust looks upon love with different vision
Then if love where to look upon lust
And so the world gets caught and turned around
In the eyes, in the gaze of another...
Seek what you may, seek what you will
Just be sure that you truly want to know
For what you find before you, called truth
May not be quite what you had in mind
Just be aware, but don't be wary...
I cry and smile at the same time
A balance of joy and pain
But it isn't these tears to be counted
It is the rainbows that come after the rain...