By Ali
Date: 2001 Dec 22
Comment on this Work

Of A Stranger

It's amazing how my heart can still ache
It's strange to still be able to feel this kind of pain
Ah, life is just full of surprises, odds and ends
Expect the unexpected...
I heard about your life, from the lips of a stranger
But, it doesn't matter from where the information came
What matters is that I know...I know
And to tell you the truth, I wish that I didn't
This is one thing that I could have done without knowing
Still, just as I can't undo what's been done
I cannot unlearn what I've learned
No matter how much I may want to...
It's really such a surprise to me, though it shouldn't be
I know you, like I know myself
But I just never thought that you--
No strike that...I never allowed myself to think such things
I hoped, I dared to hope
Yet, the hope was in vain
And the action was a day late, a dollar short
And a thousand other misbegotten things...
So, things stand as they are, as they have been
Still and unmoving
Just as mysterious and aloof as you are
I may know more, but I understand even less
I have answers, and yet I have none
And so I have to hear about your life from strangers
Which I think is what hurts me the most...