By Sage
Date: 2002 Jan 02
Comment on this Work

Falling in Love with Lust

If only love could be measured
by the love-making.
It's almost sinful -
that they cannot be one and the same.
Shouldn't the sex
be equivalent to the love
felt in the heart?
Wouldn't that be wonderful......
it's not always equal.

Rivers of tears are shed
because the action between the sheets
does not always reflect
what is going through the mind and heart
of both partners

One partner is falling in love
with the passion and the lust.....
while the other sees it for only what it truly is -
passion and lust..
Thus One is bound to get hurt....

Can a loving relationship be based on
the love-making?
So many are willing to do just that...
Measure the love by the lust......
Is it enough?
For some.
but not all...........
And will it last ?

But every once in a lifetime
A miracle happens.
Two people fall in love -
with a passion
that spills over
and melts
the intercourse of lust
into the intercourse of heart and soul
leaving them
welded and fused
tightly bound
in spirit
and flesh
