By Ali
Date: 2002 Jan 15
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Who Can Tell?

It all started with a look
A look of curiosity
Of questioning passion
And that look grew and changed
That look became a touch, feather light
Then that touch became a kiss
A kiss that shimmered in the sunlight
Glowed in the dark
And sang sweet songs to the moon
A kiss that turned into love...
But it's all he said, she said
Now it's all just a jumble of words
A complicated, best left uncontemplated mess
A whirlwind, hurricane, tidal wave of confusion
I wonder if I should swim to shore, or just let myself drown
'Cause either way I'm lost...
I heard somebody whisper, "Uh-oh, here's comes trouble."
And I now I wonder if they meant me, or you
With all the sharp-edged words being flung around
Who can tell?
What's right and what's true?
What's found and what's lost?
And who is the last piece missing, in this strange puzzle?
Pardon me, while I look into your eyes once more
Pardon me, if I try to understand
I know it may seem silly to you, but it's important to me
So, just play along for a moment, will you?
I wonder how we got here, this place where we are
Where all the faces are nameless and love doesn't seem real
But I suppose--No, I know--that love is what you make it
So, do us both a favor, ok?
Leave, stay, go--whichever
But, whatever you do stop with the he said, she said
Stop looking to lies for answers
The only answers that you need are in your heart
Find them, find your heart
That is if you remember where you put it...