By Ali
Date: 2002 Jan 19
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Just Like Me

I am two people
I have many, many faces
I change every now and then
But the bottom line always stays the same
Don't worry about me losing my ground
Don't worry about me if I cry
It's bound to happen now and again
If I am sad, let me be sad
And when I am happy, help me rejoice
And if anger dances in my eyes, be patient
It is fleeting and it will pass...
So, don't worry about me and my moods
You'll get used them, I swear
And eventually, you'll be to tell how I feel
Just by what music I have on, or what I'm wearing
Or even by what color my eyes are
For they change just like me, just like you
Just like everyone else...
Life is full of surprises
Life can be madness, life can be crazy
But life can also be beautiful, magical
Just like me, just like you
It all depends on what music is playing...