By Voice...broken
Date: 2002 Jan 29
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To Be A Bitch

I was raised to respect
My friends and my enimies
I was taught to keep my mouth shut
"Be polite" was what I was told
Fuck all that!
I want to be a bitch
I want to look her in the face
Tell her what I've held inside
I want to say
             "He is mine, my husband.  
              Quit trying to steal him
              Quit pretending, your not
              his wife.  I am!  Respect
              yourself, respect him,
              respect me.  Don't call my
              house, don't write him love
              poems and love letters.  
              I love him, he loves me
              You can't like sharing, but
              that is what you are doing.
              You are messing with a married
              man...just wait...we will see!"
But no I am going to keep my mouth shut
I rather bend over and take it up the butt
So go ahead
Play your games
Have your fun
In the end
He comes home to me