By CAgirl
Date: 2002 Jan 30
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I wish very much
that I could hold your face in my two hands
and kiss your mouth.
I am sure your kisses could feed me.

I could live on the sustaining elegance of their touch.
A warmth and sweetness would fill my mouth,
a wine of such eloquence,
no speech, no words would
dare to imitate. [Yet I will try]

Your mouth invites kisses
as plump, ripe berries invite tasting-
as red, crisp apples want biting-
as the warm, golden yellow of peach and nectarine
seek to be nipped, licked and savored.

While the kisses of your mouth
could nourish my soul for eternity,
no measurable time would pass
through the duration of their gift,
and lifetimes would endure

while I kissed your mouth
held between my two hands.