By Kendra143
Date: 2002 Jan 31
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What I'm Thinking

I think you've fallen too hard
for a heart that's been scarred
And I've told you that this won't end well

You've known right from the start
I've got a beaten-up heart
Can't believe that someone could love me

Yet you say that you do
we work best as a two
There's nothing in me you don't like

And the future you see
you're sure it involves me
You forget I'm impulsive and young

You've set your sights way too high
someday I'll bolt and fly
stealing your dreams with me, just out of reach

What'll happen to you then
if I'm just an 'old friend'
who made it too hard to hold on

If it's me you're without
and there's finally no doubt
All along I was just playing house