By Gorgon
Date: 2002 Feb 01
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Just Passing Through

Longing for your kiss,
your warm words
on my face
like in times past
when you held me close
called me your angel;
your baby.
When you entered me
with such sweetness
and my eyes couldn't possibly leave your's
as the life I would live with you passed
between us.
Is it over? It is over.  
How can it be over
when I can still feel you;
when I know what was planned
for us by the sun, the moon...Jupiter.
There have been others,
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
there have been others
but what am I to do
when I burn, I ache and nothing will stop
not even him or him or him.
There have been others
and there will be more
and I will fuck them all, them all to
make you go away and someday
when you die I will know
that my life is gone.