By sarah
Submitted by sarahsehee
Date: 2002 Feb 03
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I hate the way you

I hate the way you won't let me watch you brush your teeth.
What's the big deal anyway?
Not that I have any fetish to watch people brush their teeth, but ya know.

And I hate the way you always turn what I say around,
and say, "yeah, what is the big deal anyway?" and not let me watch.

I hate how the clothes you wear have that "fresh off the floor of your room" look,
but for some odd reason, I also love that.
Don't ask me why.

I hate that you always think I'm so cute.
I thought I was past the whole cute stage.
I thought I was 19 years old, older than you in fact,
by 134 days, and possibly some hours in-between. (Sigh)

I hate that you hate it when I hate something about myself.
I have a right to hate something about myself.
Okay, maybe hate is a strong word. Dislike.

I hate the fact that all the writing I've done since I met you, is about you.
I was rather annoyed by this fact some months ago when I realized this,
And now, I've just accepted it, or tried to, and I'm getting on with my life.
Or trying to.

I hate it when I'm studying, and my mind wanders off.
It always finds its way to you.
And I have to stop what I'm doing entirely,
just so that I can think about you for a minute, and then move on.

I hate how I make myself laugh at the crazy scenarios I conjure
about you and me. teehee. You'll never know...

I hate that by writing this entire poem,
I have confirmed the fourth hate on this list,
Which I must confess, this poem is beginning, or ending shall I say,
to be cute, and by association, that makes me...(agitated sigh)

And it's so odd, isn't it? That all these things I thought I hated so much
are the reasons why I love you so much.
And I get all teary-eyed, and I begin to miss you again.

And I hate that too.