By Max-Rom
Date: 2002 Feb 12
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Love Or Rehearsal?

Finding love is simple enough
Keeping it intact
when you find it
is quite a different matter.

A thought of love
lends revived pulse to a tattered heart.
A look of love can radiate warmth.
The touch of love may scorch.
Handle with careful fingers.
An embrace of passion will burn
with the most pleasant heat.

Love never arrives the same way twice
sometimes you must synchronize your heart
with love's great timepiece.

Sometimes love is like a race you didn't know existed
It is over before the final buzzer sounds.

I love you
are the words
that can cut, surprise,
heal, and patch mistakes
all at once.

Don't say them
they are stamped on your heart.
Its better that way.
Lip-service is not worth the hassle.

Love is not a drab rehearsal
where you repeat the same lines
until that 'someone'
thinks their perfect...

~Max~ (02/12/02)