By J-Dub
Submitted by J-Dub
Date: 2002 Feb 13
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What about you?

How can a word that expresses so much pleasure, carry with it so much pain?  Maybe it's how we love that's the name of the game.  Love should make you feel good, it should be a pleasure to take and to give.  It should make you feel alive and make you want to live every second of everyday.  When given in return for love recieved, it should make your heart melt and your knees weak.  
Whenever I think of the love between me and you is it right that I should hurt?  Is that what love is to me?  Why can't I experience what I really think love ought to be?
More importantly, if it's just pain I get from my love for you, what do you get from your love for me?
Is it pain too?