By wordley (R.H.) Submitted by wordley Date: 2002 Feb 20 Comment on this Work [[2002.]] |
Oh blessed love how can I repay, to recompense you for your gift that day, When one so fair of face and word, as in my eyes seen and my heart heard, Came to me sent by your great hand, a sweet completion of something planned By you, Oh sweet amour I swear,She rests here softly in my care, And I swoon at such shining radiance, as I dare to ask, by what chance Do I deserve such sweet reward, have I,somewhere, some merit stored That you saw fit to grace me so, Oh tell me now for I do not know, why you chose me for this task, so I only simply, meekly ask. And if it pleases you to know, in my heart love's fire does grow To weld together two souls as one, to complete this wondrous plan begun And spend my life in pleasing so, this one true love that softly glows, Illuminating all our dimmest parts, of minds, of souls, of thought, of hearts, Oh blessed love, how can I repay, to recompense you for your gift that day. |