By musicalduck
Date: 2002 Feb 25
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go ahead and finish what you started. its not like ill get hurt much more than i already am. i saw you two sitting together and it broke my heart but i acted like it was alright and i laughed with my friends and acted like i didnt even see you. but i saw you out of the corner of my eye, you had a sad look on your face. do you regret it? because the look in your eye says you do. i am sad, but i realized that maybe we need our time apart. you said you were confused between me or her, it looks to me like you chose her, maybe im just paranoid. im confused too. on how one day you can be telling your bestfriend how much you love me then the next day you are saying you dont know if you love me anymore. maybe its just me, maybe its you, maybe its both of us. but i hope you regret it because i want you to know what pain feels like.