By Vishal
Date: 2002 Mar 01
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You Can't Miss What you've never Had?

"You can't miss what you've never had." Is that supposed to be some kind of fucking consolation?
Missing something isn't so bad at all really, because if you miss something at least you had it for a while and it gave you a period of pleasure no matter how brief, and a lifetime of memories to help deal with the pain later on.
But longing for what you've never had is worse,longing for something desperately with every part of your being, not just wanting but needing. And when you know that it is unobtainable, that is what real pain is all about, for with your desire comes total helplesness. You're reduced to something weak and forced to watch with no more power than you would have over a force of nature.
And in that state of perfect agony, when someone mouths this awful cliche, you smile and remain silent for they wouldn't understand and there is nothing to say.