By Violet
Date: 2002 Mar 01
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Breakfast Love

it is so hard to pry him from his comics
you could run around the kitchen naked
and he wouldn't look up until he was finished
she sits impatiently, wondering why he never says a word
yet she is pacified by the calm expression on his face
his bottom lip juts out at the slightest angle when he reads
it makes her want to reach out and capture it in her teeth
she spends a lot of time trying to distract him
he hates it
she stretches and smiles at him when he isn't looking
he has the most beautiful eyes
greener than spring grass,
they dart back and forth over the murky grey paper
she puts her bare feet on top of his shoes under the table
"let's dance"
she blurts into the early air
he raises his eyebrows
she drags him to his feet
all the while, he is rolling his beautiful eyes
they spin clumsily around the kitchen, laughing
her heart is so full of loving him