By Cyan
Date: 2002 Mar 05
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Second Best

Your hands were full of ash...(i watched
as you stood on the hillside from afar)

Clenching it within your palms, as if it were
some delicate fabric that could slip through
your fingers at any given moment

She asked to be cremated once death approached her bed.
It seemed she knew the fate that awaited was nearer than far

I suppose you knew as well, for you held her
then as you hold her now-not wanting to
relinquish this fire

You cast her into the ocean she adored.

I walked over to where you were standing.
You blazoned your love for me, but as I grasped the expression on your face and forced sincerity in your eyes, i knew the love of your life was now dancing with the tide

I gazed enviously as you scattered her soul across the sea-

I'd rather be the dust you loved first, than to live as second best