By Duke
Date: 2002 Mar 05
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The Lawyer

His day?  It was much like the many yesterdays of before.
Caught in the trivial lives and serious business of famous others, more or less.
Stiff-smiled snickerings and hush-toned meetings between wannabe friends and happenstance enemies.  
All engaging to achieve what.  
Always.... The End.  The Result.  
Success....In passion or in war.
You cannot win, and lose.  There is no hard fought either.
That's What it's always been about.
Victory, on the interpersonal battlefields of the mind and
On cold, polished boardroom floors.
Without excuse or qualification.
For you see,
Despite what you may have been led to believe,
There are no gold medals for second place.
Who remembers him?  
The laurel rests high on the brow of he who can grasp victory,
Done so mightily,
With no cost left unspent.