By Hollymccormick
Date: 2002 Mar 06
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Summer Reflections

Gentle whispers on the wind
Caressing our sun kissed lips
As we lay together half asleep
Under the floppy beach umbrella.
The waves crashing on to the shore
Create a harmony with the sea gulls
Your tan arm draped across my belly
Forgotten that it is connected to you.
Kids laughing as they race by us
Blurs of color in perfect sync with nature
A bright green kite straining against the blue sky
Pleads with them to be released from their grasp.
You squint one eye open against the sun and smile
At the red nose that has taken residence on my face.
Your eyes close again and your hand seeks out mine
I sigh, a perfect sound, "this is heaven" I think
I am so in love with you.