By musicalduck
Date: 2002 Mar 19
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all figured out

i figured out why you fell for her all the sudden. me and her are so alike its unbelievable. i think you just needed a change. she is alittle bit more wild than me and shes not as shy, but we are alike. i was talking to her the other day and it was like we could finish eachothers sentences. i felt like id known her all my life. and when i think about it, im pretty sure that if you would have known her first, you would have liked her first. i guess we both have everything you like in someone, but she has more of it. now, i find myself trying to be more like her. watching her every move. seeing what she does differently. and i realized it doesnt work that way. she has your heart now, i cant do anything to stop that. so i guess, i have it all figured out.