By splatipus Date: 2002 Mar 28 Comment on this Work [[2002.]] |
Tits So what is it about big tits? That make unknown men have imbecilic fits And accost you in the bar "Phwor love, they're the biggest I've seen by far" "Excuuuuuuuse me, do I know you? Yes - you JERK- they're bigger than your IQ! But it's a pity, you little prick That I can't say likewise about your dick!" How come they like to shout "Come on then Big Mama, get them out!" And they somehow seem to think That you will shag if they ply you with drink Thank God all men aren't like this Cos that would really be taking the piss To all these Jerks my reply is the same "If you think these are big, you should see my brain!" |