By Elaina
Submitted by where is your heaven
Date: 2002 Mar 28
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You've Found Her

If all along you've been
looking for some one
to care, if you've been
searching for some one
to pull you out of the
storm, then you've
found her, you've found her.
If all you've ever wanted
is some one to listen,
a hand to hold though
all the ups and downs,
if all you've needed is a
shelter from the pain,
then you've found her.
If all you've ever needed
is all you've ever wanted
then you've found her.
If you ever feel like the
words don't come out
right, and when they do
it never seems like enough,
if she can heal you with
a smile and a laugh,
then you've found her.
If you ever feel like giving
up and there's only one
reason you won't walk
away, when you're hurting
and she just stays for a while.
If without reason you utter
three little words.
Then you've found her.
If all you've needed is
to let go and loose yourself
in a kiss, if all you've wanted
is a timeless romance
and a love that's true.
Then you've found me.