By Laurel Ahlfeld
Date: 2002 Apr 06
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The Art of 'Flumping'

Flump(n)- The ancient art of flumping is a rare practice in truly elated human beings in civilized lands more often than not. A genuine flump, though used here as a noun, is more often used as a verb. When one flumps, this consists of an initial blood rush to the head, followed by one's body collapsing upon themselves or other solid objects, creating the "flump" sound of which it is named for. Flumps are often preceded by butterflies in the stomach region and followed by the flumpee's heart jumping into their mouth. The stimulus of the flump is not scientifically known or proven yet, but the eldest practitioners of the art have  claimed for many years that a flump is triggered only when one has reached an Eutopia of the heart.