By wordley
Date: 2002 Apr 08
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I missed you again today, only by seconds, I felt the air move as you passed, the last few atoms of your fragrance,...'Paris', I believe?
I saw you at lunch in the park; coffee, pastrami on rye, an orange...Oh, how I envied that small, round piece of fruit as you caressed it's form;
You came within an inch of me on the subway as we jolted along, you staring out into space, me oblivious to any other;
The hardest part is to watch you with him, at Dante's, dinner for two, the way you come alive in his company, the way you obviously love him,
I stand at the foot of your bed occasionaly, watching you dream, those little sounds you make, but only when you're alone
I no longer watch you shower, it's longer right for me to do so, and it hurts too much, knowing i'll never hold you again,
I have to go now darling, I have others to visit, souls to guide, hearts to ease........ I have only one regret, one little moment of madness
Ten years ago this very night I wish I'd stayed at home, hadn't gone to the drugstore, hadn't tried to be the hero when that punk came in,
Least then i'd still be YOUR Angel, instead of everyone elses