By angieubaldo
Date: 2002 Apr 08
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in the worlds eyes

so many people love
so many people loose
so many people hurt, what for?  
and why do i care about people i don't know,
its just discouraging, to know that women as beautiful as pamela anderson
can hold a man.
its discouraging to think i will ever find love in a world,
drowing in booze and famine,
some feast, while others starve,
while girls like me fast.
what is beauty, am i beautiful?
i wonder as i sift through my cosmoplitan magazine
and read about how to please a man,
"let hom tie you up like a knot, and strip you of all your dignity
just spread a little wider, get a girl to join you, let him
spank you til your heart bleeds, do these little exercises to make you tight again,
hide your tears, smile while he nevers calls, he won't but  don't let it get you down,
just read nexts month kama sutra, and find another pony to ride,
whiten your teeth, get breast emplants, and go to the gym 40 hours a week..."
Is this what i have to do to please a man?
sometimes i feel like i am not strong enough,
i don't have the stamina, the endurance,
to run this race to the alter,
when the girl next to me looks just like jennefer lopez,
and i just am a plain jane.
let me get highlights, get contacts lenses, work out a little more,
lay off the mayonaise sweetheart
and the cookies you love,
it will make you ass swell up like a balloon,
maybe if i try that,
i will be beautiful in the worlds eyes.