By Ali
Date: 2002 Apr 11
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What You Don't Know

Your heart works better then your head,
As far as love is concerned.
Leave your mind behind,
Logic and rationality are so overrated.
As far as I've seen,
Most of the good men are taken,
A decent percentage of the ones left are gay,
But I still maintain the fact that there are a few
Good men remaining.
I've had "Best Friends" walk away,
And later I'd realize
That they weren't who I thought they were.
Sometimes there is no solution--
And leaving rarely is a good answer
To any question.
And give up on trying to get your brain to focus,
It--pardon the pun--has a mind of it's own.
Superficiality is a plague on all our houses,
It is a disease spread by fear and ignorance.
Different isn't bad,
But throughout history we have feared
What it is that we don't understand.
Different is a step, or a glimpse
Into the unknown.
We fear the unknown.
The future is clear or easily seen,
For life lacks certainty in spades.
Just take it one day at a time,
Put one foot in front of the other,
And don't worry about what you don't know...