By wordley Date: 2002 Apr 12 Comment on this Work [[2002.]] |
I dont know if I should call some one, for I found a heart today; All bruised and battered, torn and tattered, some one had thrown away I found it out back of the Happiness shop, on dream street, two blocks down, From the sad cafe, Heartbreak hotel, and that really mean part of town, Where lies rule the streets where dishonesty lives, and the kind and the good seldom go Where souls are lost and love is a joke, where deceit's cruel winds ever blow. I imagine that some one recently returned from that Hell's kitchen of sadness and pain Had worn their heart on their sleeve as a loving shield, against lies it will never sustain Any form of defence, it wiil never survive being hit so often and hard Will break in two, will come unglued, its beauty and kindness now marred, It looked fairly new, it was still in its box with a clear and defined guarantee; " If this heart is damaged within the first thirty days, then don't come running to me!" |