By Isabella Svenska
Submitted by Isabella Svenska
Date: 2002 Apr 19
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The Numbers Game

The freedom of the knowledge
Knowing that I was not replaced
By someone more special or beautiful
or more intelligent or charming
Or more generous or loving
Or more intellectual or kind
Gratification.  Finally.
The moment I learned they did not marry in a church
or at a beautiful hall or at a park with a beautiful view
With hundreds of guests and posh food and ice sculptures
Nor did their families attend to witness thier love for each other
They were married in City Hall by a Judge.
...without family or friends present.
Which confirms the last thing he said to me
Which was "Hey, maybe I will be just like my mom..."
"How's that?" I said
"Well, this marriage to you was my first one..."
"Yeahhhh?" I said
"Well, maybe the thirds time's a charm for me too - ya' know?"
So, this is simply the next number in the sequence
One step closer to that magical number three
An exercise in futility if you will, for the second time
And once he hits number three...
I hear he'll receive a set of steak knives that can cut through beer cans
And a worthless copy of Men are from Mars, etc...
Well, you get the point.